The littlest thing…

Do you know why I am writing this late? More than 12 hours past my GOODNEWS posting time?

My day started from 5am. I was awake trying to keep myself awake. As funny or confusing as it may sound, that is true, and the major reason why I would be awake by 5am on a Saturday morning.

You do know that Saturday mornings – especially when you have no work or exercise to do are usually like “thank God there’s no work today. I’m gonna be sleeping without alarm!” πŸ˜‚

But that wasn’t for me. I really was awake to train myself to always be awake by that time. I have these habits that I wish to get imbibed in me, and being awake around 4 or 5 am is one of them.


It’s jogging. Exercise. Sports.

Did I tell you that I play or fight Taekwondo and I also do flexibility workout. I really love those two. I really do. I could tell you that a lot of people, even my family have told me to stop playing Taekwondo “it’s a man’s sport ” they’d say. “No man would love you or find you attractive playing that sport”

“It’s this sport that’s influencing your weird and odd dress sense” my sisters would say. “Always dressing like you’re about to fly…” they’d laugh at it, and on some days I do join to laugh.

….the negative/ mockery comment goes on.

But if only they know how happy that sport makes me, they’d give me all days to keep playing. If only…

And when I didn’t listen to their negativity, my mother gave up and asks me all Saturday morning “aren’t you going to the stadium today?” I would smile and reply “I am getting ready”.


It’s really the littlest thing that keeps us happy longer.

When I saw those children at the stadium, calling me “aunty” and said “aunty I want to kick” “Aunty Christopher hit me on the head ….” “Aunty I want to drink water…”

I felt happy, I really did. And I loved it more – that I was practically shouting, with so high pitch “you match forward once, and then you punch twice: Tae! Kwon!! Do!!!” I shouted so hard I could hear my own voice cracking and vibrating.

It’s truly the littlest thing that keeps us happy.

Find yours and keep hold on it, no matter what they say, no matter the negativity.

Although, I would as a good girl that I am say that we shouldn’t keep hold to evil and bad habits. Even if they are making you happy at the moment. The after-effect negative impact is harder, stronger and bigger that whatever happiness it could give you for the moments. Please


I would say, fully and strongly that my day really started from that happy moment I had at the stadium.

I bumped into my old friend today, and even though I am angry with her, I was able to fake a smile and laughter, but inside my head I was like “you girl, why didn’t you tell me about that job interview?”

But she said it was all lie. I believe her.

Trying to forget that Doux came to the shop yesterday but didn’t care to say “Hi”, or that he was supposed to call me since last week but hasn’t, nor replied my texts…

And I still smiled, and had a wonderful date with my friend today.

Dear Miracle, when I told you that “I gat you” I really did mean it. With all my heart. And I had a good date and talk with you today; although you stood me up for 56 minutes (I did check the time).

I really wish you be good and possibly good(er).You know I always wish you be good, and safe and I know you understand. I wish you happiness boy, I need you to be happy, I really do. But you should know that little of those you think makes you happy rarely does. I don’t want you to get into trouble or hurt, and I wish you get the money you want. Very possiblly more, in better ways.

I do care more that you can ever think.

My darling boy ❀



Find that, which keeps you happy, and hold on to it. Keep is so precious and dear to your heart. Let no one take it from you.

With all love in my heart, reserving none for my personal self, I wish you be happy and more happy. (I could reserve just a little)

Find time for yourself, and for once, leave all behind, seek and find inner peace

What’s that littlest thing? What’s that littlest thing??


Published by Olileanyadi

...the girl that thinks too much, SDG advocate!! always have battles on her mind. And most times, she wins!


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